Change of SUVA customer numbers

Published on 04. April 2024

For technical reasons, Suva is changing customer numbers. As its first step, from June 2024 Suva will begin changing service providers’ customer numbers, e.g. for hospitals, medical practitioners, and therapists. In the next step starting from September 2024, Suva will then change customer numbers of companies insured on a compulsory and voluntary basis.


How your Suva customer number will change:

The new number consists of 13 digits including numbers and hyphens.


Gradual adjustment starting from September 2024:

Current Suva customer numbers will gradually be adjusted starting from September 2024. As soon as Suva determines the new customer numbers, they will be sent in writing. From this point on, please only use your new Suva customer number.


Store your Suva customer number in SwissSalary:

As soon as you have received the new Suva customer number, you must store it under Administration / Payroll Setup / UVG contract / Customer No. in SwissSalary.


A plausibility check is currently stored in the old Suva customer number when it is entered in SwissSalary. Release 5061.200 for our on-premises customers and release 5063.000 for our cloud customers will expand this plausibility check.


If you have any questions about the new Suva customer number, please contact Suva directly.

Your SwissSalary Team
