Are you ready for the first salary payment in January 2018?

Published on 22. January 2018

In the next few days, you will make the first salary payment for January 2018. Did you adjust the percentages 2018 for the following social insurance?

- FAK (possibly new cantonal employers' percentages according to the specifications of your family equalization fund)
- UVG (NBUV and BUV)
- Social Fund
- BVG (adjusted for employee deductions and employer provisions in salary for 2018?)
- Income tax rates 2018 (we have already done this for our SwissSalary 365 Cloud customers)

In case of doubt, the support of your NAV partner or our support is at your disposal.

Please note that we receive an above-average number of support inquiries in this season (until about the end of January 2018). We try to process all requests efficiently. In individual cases, however, there may be longer waiting times. Please formulate your request preferably by mail, as our telephone lines are often overloaded.

Thank you for your understanding. We wish you a lot of fun with SwissSalary.
